
Four Minnesotans Among Those
Tried in Columbus Georgia

The Truth Can Not Be Silenced!

Four individuals from Minnesota were among the 86 arrested for crossing the line at Fort Benning, home of the SOA, on November 17, 2002. They where charged with Criminal Trespass, a federal petty misdemeanor which carries a potential sentence of up to six months in prison and or up to a $5000.00 fine.

They where tried before Judge G. Mallon Faircloth at the U.S. District Court in Columbus, GA. from January 27-29 and February 10-12. Three of the group plead guilty and one plead not guilty while stipulating to the facts.

All four received the same sentences except for the amount of the dollar fine.

The Minnesota group included:

• Anika Walz - Stacy, MN, 19: 12 months probation, 250 hours community service, $1,000 fine.
“I am here because my government crossed the line of humanity.” “My action of crossing the line was my next step in being a responsible citizen.”
Anika is a Justice and Peace Major at the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul

• Loring Harkness IV - Colorado, 21: 12 months probation, 250 hours community service, $500 fine.
Loring is a student at St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN

• Daniel Marx - St. Paul, MN, 19: 12 months probation, 250 hours community service, $500 fine.
Daniel is a student at St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN

• John (Jack) Neis - Apple Valley, MN, 61: 12 months probation, 250 hours community service, $1,000 fine.
“It is said that the truth can set you free, but at first it can make you damned uncomfortable.”

Anika, Loring, Daniel and Jack join the previous nine Minnesota POCs who have taken the risk while speaking truth to power! Presente!

Trial Results of the SOA86 from SOAW
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Write the Resisters
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SOA 2002

images from the 2002 event - click here >>

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